Terms and Conditions of Sale

All verbal quotations shall be taken as a guide only, and will always be firmed up in writing once all the product specification, lead-time and delivery information is confirmed. After 30 days have elapsed it may be necessary to review the quotation in case of manufacturers increases. Each Quotation will specify its review date, which can be significantly less than 30 days depending on the availability of the product being quoted for. Quotations will be provided for ‘FindABrick’ by the Company known as “FindABrick UK ltd”, based in and registered in England and Wales ref: 12372886 (VAT no 339 9952 37)

All quotations are estimates only, subject to the prices prevailing at the time of delivery, unless specifically confirmed in writing otherwise.  Prices will sometimes be quoted nett of VAT which will need to be added on at the prevailing rate.   Should the prices quoted be for Bricks imported from Europe or elsewhere, the company shall reserve the right to revise the price according to the exchange rate prevailing at the time of the order. The Buyer shall be informed of the new price and will need to confirm in writing, their acceptance of the new quotation.

Any advice or recommendation given by the Company or its employees or agents to the Buyer or its employees or agents as to the storage, application or use of the Goods which is not confirmed in writing by the Company is followed or acted upon entirely at the Buyer’s own risk and accordingly the Company shall not be liable for any such advice or recommendation which is not so confirmed.  As of 1st April 2020, no orders will be processed by the Company unless a written order is received from the Buyer in which the written order expressly confirms acceptance of the responsibility for the choice, and the quantity of bricks being ordered. Payment of the Pro-forma invoice would also indicate that the Buyer takes responsibility for the choice of the brick.

Provision of the correct delivery details including postcode is the responsibility of the customer. Any costs arising from aborted deliveries due to lack of attendance or providing suitable access will be passed on to the customer.  Delivery times are provided by sub-contracted carriage companies and are therefore estimates and are not contractually considered part of the terms of the order. Goods will be deemed to be accepted on the signature of the hauliers delivery note. Even if no signature is obtained at the time of delivery, the delivery will have been assumed to have taken place. Should there be a discrepancy regarding the goods received this should be notified to the supplier, FindABrick UK ltd,  in writing within 3 days (by email to: bricks@findabrick.co.uk)  The company may withhold delivery of the goods if any sums due to it are still outstanding or overdue, or if the customer becomes insolvent before payment is complete.

Any orders for bricks or other related building materials will be transacted by the registered company known as: “FindABrick UK ltd”.
FindABrick UK ltd is registered in the UK for VAT registration no 339 9952 37. Once a written order has been accepted, and the description of the goods that have been quoted for is confirmed by the customer as correct, the order may not be cancelled without the consent of the proprietor.
​All costs incurred by the company as a result of the cancellation shall be paid on demand by the customer. Should any goods be returned to the manufacturer or distributor they may impose a re-stocking charge, as well as the return to Works Haulage charge, which will be passed back to the customer; the costs of which would be deducted from any refund due.

All specially made orders, like a brick arch for example, will require an authoritative signature on a drawing and /or written order to confirm the specification of what is to be made. All specially made orders need to be checked by the customer whose responsibility it is to confirm the quantities, dimensions, colours and any other relevant technical properties exclusive to that order. All purpose made orders are non returnable and will be charged at the full quoted price. Special Orders will also include bricks that are made to order by the manufacturer, and are not bricks made for merchant stock. These would include Bricks specified for projects like Glazed bricks and Special Shaped bricks.

Samples of materials will be provided by the company to show the substance and general character of the product being sought. The goods supplied will be deemed to correspond with the sample if they are reasonably similar in colour, texture, size and shape. The goods supplied will also comply with the published standards such as BS-EN or BBA accreditation. No refunds will be possible where minor variations in aesthetics occur in the products supplied, notwithstanding the rights of the consumer prevailing at the time of the dispatch. In cases where the manufacturers sample panel is deemed to significantly differ from the bricks supplied it will be the responsibility of the manufacturer to demonstrate by site visit that the products can be swapped over or returned for a refund.

In the unlikely event that goods be supplied on an account basis, the ownership of the goods shall remain with the business known as ‘FindABrick UK ltd’ until such time as the goods are paid for in full. Risk for the storage or movement of the goods will however remain with the customer from the point of delivery.

The company’s liability for purpose made goods damaged in transit will be to repair or replace them free of charge.
Any costs associated with subsequent delays to projects will not be considered to be an intrinsic part of the contract to supply the goods. In the case of breakages and chipping of facing bricks it will be determined by the manufacturers published allowances whether the breakages and / or chipping are considered excessive or not. As a guide most Brick Manufacturers DOP data sheets indicate that it is realistic to expect between 5% and 10% wastage, which needs  to be taken into account by the Buyer when ordering.

Save in the case of personal injury or death arising from a defect in the goods supplied, the liability of FindABrick UK ltd shall be limited to the repair or replacement of the goods before installation, and once installed, the company shall have no liability for defects in them. The company shall not in any event be liable in contract, tort or otherwise for the loss of anticipated profits, or revenue or other consequential loss or damage arising from any cause related to the supply of goods manufactured by others.  FindABrick UK Ltd do not have a yard; neither do they operate delivery vehicles.

In the unlikely event of a Supplier to FindABrick UK ltd going out of business before supplying any goods that have been ordered and paid for FindABrick will be limited to refunding simply the profit it would have made if it had been able to complete the transaction. Once FindABrick UK ltd have paid for goods to the supplier that the customer (Buyer) has ordered, it may not be possible to retrieve those funds to refund the Buyer in full. Efforts would of course be made via any liquidators to be reimbursed any monies paid for goods not yet received, or that may never be received. As FindABrick UK ltd have no liquid or fixed assets, and no yard with stock, there would be no option to sue for a refund, as there would be no assets to seize for the value of the goods not supplied.

FindABrick exist to provide the service of locating supplies of bricks and associated products, either for new developments of multi home projects, or as a brick-matching service where the closest possible bricks are identified to match existing buildings. Samples are always offered, and if requested are then sent from the manufacturers for approval by the customer (the Buyer) who takes responsibility for ensuring that his customer, the end-user / homeowner is also completely in agreement with the type of brick being ordered. Should the homeowner choose to reject the bricks ordered by the Buyer after they have been delivered, it will be the responsibility of the Buyer to resolve the dispute with his client. Any costs arising from returning the bricks to the manufacturer or merchant stockist – if they agree to do so – and any re-stocking charge will be borne by the buyer.  Suppliers of bricks generally only accept the return of unopened packs.
FindABrick will endeavour to negotiate the least costly method of returning the goods, but is not bound to do so, as it is not responsible for the final choice of the brick – it is the Buyer who ensures that he or she is ordering the correct product.

Goods are supplied to the warranties of the company’s suppliers / manufacturers. All Technical Data Sheets / DOPs are available to anyone via the Manufacturers websites. All data sheets are downloadable for the careful consideration by the Buyer so that the Buyer can be completely convinced that the choice is appropriate for the location and / or a good match to the existing building.

A copy of FindABrick UK Limited’s Slavery and Trafficking Policy can be obtained by using the contact form and requesting STRT v1.2 and Policy Document (May 2018).

These terms of sale are applied to all transactions entered into by the company known as FindABrick UK ltd with it’s customers, and are enacted in priority to any terms and Conditions of Purchase provided by the customer.
FindABrick UK ltd is also a member of the Federation of Small Businesses in the UK registration no: 51343681.

Customers personal data is neither collected nor stored for any other purpose than direct communication with our customers; for the purpose of providing necessary information to our customers and in order to facilitate the business we do with our customers.
​All customers can ‘opt-out’ of emails using the Contact form and typing in ‘STOP’ in the message box.
As all our financial transactions are by BACS, no financial information belonging to our customers is ever retained by us.
Contact and address details will only be passed on to our suppliers in so far as it enables them to deliver the goods requested.

Terms and Conditions applicable to Suppliers

1. The Business Registered with Companies House as ‘FindABrick UK ltd’; reg no: 12372886 is Limited by Shares where those shares are owned 100% by the Managing Director, Stephen David Kerry.
2.  The businesses run by this Director have traded continuously since 11th March 2015; without debt, CCJ or VA.
3.  The registered business address is 18 Congress Road, Abbey Wood, London,  SE2 0LT
4.  FindABrick UK ltd has an agreement with it’s Bankers to never offer credit to any of its customers, new or old. As such FindABrick UK ltd is not exposed to any debt, having been paid with the order, before delivery of any goods takes place. Customers that accept a written quotation are e-mailed a pro-forma invoice, which once paid by BACS or via PayPal, will initiate the process of arranging for the delivery.
5. FindABrick UK ltd has no Property, no vehicles nor machinery; in essence – no assets.
6. FindABrick UK Ltd has no yard or store – its method of operation is that of transacting a sale of building materials by phone and by e-mail /  internet, which results in the same process for each sale completed; which is: Enquiry > Quotation > Order from customer > Pro-forma to Customer > Payment received > written order to Supplier > Delivery made > POD obtained > Payment made to Supplier within 1 week of invoicing > Transaction completed. 
7. FindABrick UK ltd, nor Stephen David Kerry, have no debts, neither personally or in business. NO CCJ’s or VA’s.
8. Suppliers of FindABrick UK ltd are of course at liberty to impose their Terms and Conditions of Sale on us as their customer; notwithstanding the effects of ignoring the status of FindABrick UK ltd as published here since 20/12/2019.

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